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Wellard SR, Zhang Y, Shults C, Zhao X, McKay M, Murray SA, Jordan PW (2021), EMBO Reports. e51023.

SMC5 Plays Independent Roles in Congenital Heart Disease and Neurodevelopmental Disability.
Matthew P. O’Brien, Marina V. Pryzhkova, Evelyn M. R. Lake, Francesca Mandino, Xilin Shen, Ruchika Karnik, Alisa Atkins, Michelle J. Xu, Weizhen Ji, Monica Konstantino, Martina Brueckner,
Laura R. Ment, Mustafa K. Khokha, and Philip W. Jordan
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 (1), 430.

Wellard SR, Zhang Y, Shults C, Zhao X, McKay M, Murray SA, Jordan PW (2021), EMBO Reports. e51023.

GRAS-1 is a novel regulator of early meiotic chromosome dynamics in C. elegans.
Martinez-Garcia M, Naharro PR, Skinner MW, Baran KA, Lascarez-Lagunas LI, Nadarajan S, Shin N, Silva-García CG, Saito TT, Beese-Sims S, Diaz-Pacheco BN, Berson E, Castañer AB, Pacheco S, Martinez-Perez E, Jordan PW, Colaiácovo MP (2023)
PLoS Genetics. 19(2): e1010666

Wellard SR, Zhang Y, Shults C, Zhao X, McKay M, Murray SA, Jordan PW (2021), EMBO Reports. e51023.

Wellard SR, Zhang Y, Shults C, Zhao X, McKay M, Murray SA, Jordan PW (2021), EMBO Reports. e51023.

Wellard S, Schindler K and Jordan PW (2020),

Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Centrosome defects cause microcephaly by activating the mitotic surveillance pathway.
Thao Phan, Aubrey L. Maryniak, Christina A Boatwright, Junsu Lee, Alisa Atkins, Andrea Tijhuis, Diana C.J. Spierings, Hisham Bazzi, Floris Foijer, Philip W Jordan, Travis H. Stracker, Andrew Holland. (2021).
EMBO Journal. e106118.

Wellard S, Schindler K and Jordan PW (2020),

Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Interaction between NSMCE4A and GPS1 links the SMC5/6 complex to the COP9 signalosome
Horvath A, Rona G, and Jordan PW (2020)
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Wellard S, Schindler K and Jordan PW (2020),

Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

PLK1 is required for normal chromosome compaction and microtubule organization in mouse oocytes
Little T and Jordan PW. (2020)
Molecular Biology of the Cell. (31), 1206–1217.

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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Conditional mutation of Smc5 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
Gaddipati H, Pryzhkova MP, Jordan PW (2019)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Depletion of SMC5/6 sensitizes male germ cells to DNA damage
Hwang G, Verver DE, Handel MA, Hamer G, Jordan PW (2018)
Molecular Biology of the Cell. (25), 3003-3016..

Wellard S, Schindler K and Jordan PW (2020),

Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Seminiferous tubule squash technique for the cytological analysis of spermatogenesis using the mouse model
Wellard S, Hopkins J, Jordan PW (2018)
Journal of Visualized Experiments. (132), e56453.

Wellard S, Schindler K and Jordan PW (2020),

Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Female Mouse Chromatin Spread Preparation for the Analysis of Oocyte Progression from Prophase to Metaphase II
Hwang G, Hopkins J, Jordan PW (2018)
Journal of Visualized Experiments. (132), e56736.

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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Infertility in patients with Klinefelter syndrome: Optimal Timing for Sperm and Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation
Hawksworth DJ, Szafran AA, Jordan PW, Dobs AS, Herati AS (2018)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

The influence of retinoic acid-induced differentiation on the radiation response of male germline stem cells
Zheng Y, Jongejan A, Mulder CL, van Daalen S, Mastenbroek S, Hwang G, Jordan PW, Repping S and Hamer G (2018)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

SMC5/6 is required for the formation of segregation-competent bivalent chromosomes during meiosis I in mouse oocytes
Hwang G, O’Brien M, Sun F, Eppig J, Handel MA, Jordan PW (2017)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Sororin is enriched at the central region of synapsed meiotic chromosomes
Jordan PW, Eyster C, Chen J, Pezza RJ and Rankin S. (2017)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Genetic Interactions Between the Meiosis-Specific Cohesin Components, STAG3, REC8, and RAD21L
Ward A, Hopkins J, Mckay M, Murray S, Jordan PW. (2016)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Conditional mutation of Smc5 in mouse embryonic stem cells perturbs condensin localization and mitotic progression
Pryzhkova MP and Jordan PW. (2016)
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Dearth and Delayed Maturation of Testicular Germ Cells in Fanconi Anemia E Mutant Male Mice
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Resolving complex chromosome structures during meiosis: versatile deployment of Smc5/6
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Meiosis-specific cohesin component, Stag3 is essential for mediating recombination and synapsis between homologous chromosomes and maintaining sister chromatid cohesion
Hopkins J, Hwang G, Jacob J, Sapp N, Bedigian R, Oka K, Overbeek P, Murray S and Jordan P (2014)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

The Smc5/6 complex is involved in crucial processes during human spermatogenesis
Verver D, Langedijk N, Jordan P, Repping S and Hamer G (2014)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Ipl1/Aurora kinase suppresses S-CDK-driven spindle formation during prophase to ensure chromosome integrity during meiosis
Newnham L*, Jordan P*, Carballo J, Newcombe S and Hoffmann E (2013)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Smc5/6 coordinates formation and resolution of joint molecules with chromosome morphology to ensure meiotic divisions
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Dynamic localization of SMC5/6 complex proteins during mammalian meiosis and mitosis suggests functions in distinct chromosome processes
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Polo-like kinase is required for synaptonemal complex disassembly in mouse spermatocytes
Jordan P, Karpinnen J and Handel MA (2012)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

The synaptonemal complex protein, Zip1, promotes the segregation of nonexchange chromosomes at meiosis I
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Ipl1/Aurora B kinase coordinates synaptonemal complex disassembly with cell cycle progression and crossover formation in budding yeast meiosis
Jordan P, Copsey A, Newnham L, Kolar E, Lichten M and Hoffmann E (2009)
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Journal of Cell Science. 133: jcs248831.

Novel roles for selected genes in meiotic DNA processing
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